Posted: January 11th, 2021
THE arrest by the FBI last July of GHISLAINE MAXWELL in New Hampshire, USA, for allegedly procuring under-age girls for Jeffrey Epstein, led to a shoal of requests to AMP from media all around the world.
They wanted background on Robert Maxwell; details of the MGN pension scandal; the Maxwell dynasty; information about Ghislaine and her relationship with her father – and so on.
Requests came from magazines, documentary makers and podcasters. Some of the AMP committee were interviewed, along with many other Mirror alumni, and now some of the programmes and broadcasts are out there:
One outfit we were involved with was production company Somethin’ Else (, and we’ve heard from producer Paul Smith: “Here’s the link for our podcast series about Robert Maxwell. Episode 1 has just been released:
You’ll probably recognise some of the voices! (Maxwell pic: Daily Mirror)
RESEARCHER Glenn Reuben has been in touch, seeking information about two cartoonists: Scherzo, and Leonard Ward/Len Ward. If you can …
Two special Mirror dates for your diary.
Please note the revised date for Lynn White’s memorial service.
AS mad March tires itself out and we await April’s showers, I am struck by the awesome show of spring flowers this …