Posted: June 2nd, 2022
COMING soon to a doormat near you – a sparkling new issue of Mirror Pensioner, the Association’s newsletter.
Read the latest about funding for our MGN Pension Scheme, changes to our Trustee Board, Gerald Mowbray’s in-depth look at the latest Reach annual report, and much more.
Features include members’ book-publishing exploits; the winner of last autumn’s £50 caption competition; chairman Deborah Thomas’s new wheels; Alan Newson’s wartime working; latest news about Hilary Bonner’s new play; all about The Pensions Regulator. And, sadly, obituaries for greatly missed colleagues.
The newsletters should be clattering through letterboxes around mid-May.
Your autumn Mirror Pensioner is on its way, with full details of this year’s annual meetings – London AGM, October 9 at …
RESEARCHER Glenn Reuben has been in touch, seeking information about two cartoonists: Scherzo, and Leonard Ward/Len Ward. If you can …
Two special Mirror dates for your diary.
Please note the revised date for Lynn White’s memorial service.