One of the Heritage panels on display outside the iconic Telegraph building in Fleet Street during re-development
PIERS NICHOLSON, editor of The Heritage of Fleet Street project, wants to hear from YOU.
We flagged up the enterprise in an earlier news story (see below), and now Piers – his credentials are impeccable, his uncle, Basil Nicholson, was among those who “created” the modern Daily Mirror – wants more help from the AMP.
He says: “Very many thanks for the AMP’s generous coverage of our website, it’s much appreciated. has done a really useful job in pulling together information about many aspects of the heritage of Fleet Street, and I am quite pleased with our progress so far.
“But we particularly want to have new pages about what it was like to work in all areas of Fleet Street, whether from an editor, sub-editor, writer, photographer, reporter, art desk, an in-house lawyer, a secretary, a compositor, a typesetter, reels, a reader, a messenger – or any of the many other trades involved, including support and non-production departments such as circulation, transport, advertising, despatch riders, publishing, finance, personnel (as it was likely called then) catering, publicity, and security, to name but a few. The list is long.
“Our website would be much improved with a few real-life descriptions, including: “My schooling, how I got into the newspapers, what the first day was like, the actual job, how I interacted with management, colleagues and unions, etc.”
“If you would like to tell us your work/life story, from school to when you joined the newspaper industry, into your early days and beyond through to retirement, it would make a really interesting page for visitors to our website. Many of them have no idea what a tough, hardworking, vibrant community Fleet Street was.
“Mirror Group pensioners are uniquely placed to help us to add some human-interest stories, describing what it was actually like to work in Fleet Street in its heyday.”
A panorama of the Heritage outside the iconic Telegraph building in Fleet Street
❖ If you are interested in submitting your story for inclusion in the Heritage project, please give Piers Nicholson a ring on 07909 747335, or send him an email here: