Posted: September 16th, 2015
CARO CLUSKEY enjoyed a long and successful career with Odhams Newspapers and Mirror Group, first on the Sunday People and latterly in editorial management on The Sporting Life. After she was “made redundant” in 1992 Caro went on to a second career as a freelance working with then partner, now husband, Brian Bass producing corporate in-house newspapers and magazines via their consultancy Bass Walker Associates. Caro also worked in Bahrain on the launch issue of the Bahrain Tribune. Now semi-retired, for ten years Caro worked with Brian on British Journalism Review and she is also director/treasurer for BJR Publishing Ltd. Apart from editing Mirror Pensioner magazine Caro also co-ordinates the AMP website. Her hobbies include racketball, travelling, reading, bird-watching and watching sports – cricket, rugby union, and football if it’s Chelsea or England.