Mon, 9 September, 2024

Alan Shillum (honorary committe member)

Posted: September 16th, 2015

ALAN SHILLUM studied engineering but entered newspapers in 1958 aged 24 as a reporter on the Walthamstow Guardian. In 1961 he became news editor of the Stratford Express while also casualling for the Daily Mirror until he joined its news desk in 1967. He was deputy night news editor under Dan Ferrari and replaced him as night news editor before becoming Daily Mirror news editor from 1976 -1983. Alan was Daily Mirror managing editor and Group managing editor under Robert Maxwell, working on a number of foreign newspaper projects including Moscow News and the Hungarian daily Magyar Hirlap.

In 1993 Shillum took early retirement although for a time remaining a trustee of the post-Maxwell pensions scheme. Apart from continuing AMP committee duty, Shillum says he has now “mercifully nothing” to do with newspapers and spends retirement at home on Mersea Island happily painting and drawing.

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